Our vision

We believe…
We at Pets Flying Home believe
As a company specializing in flying all animals and pets in particular that all animals in the world have the right to live with dignity while maintaining their rights and health
We are committed to…
As human beings we are committed at any place and at any time to assure safety and security and to prevent any person or other entity not to harm animals and remove them immediately from any place where there is danger to them
We strive..
We strive for the world living in harmony with animals as an integral part of our daily lives.
Committed to quality and service…
Quality of service and loyalty towards our customers are integral to the company's ideological outlook. Pets Flying Home and its dedicated team of experts always strive for excellence and professionalism at the highest level as service providers.


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3 Mikunis St, Tel-Aviv 6777212 P.O.B. 2820, T-A 6102701.Israel | Tel: 972-3-5176477 | Fax: 972-3-5164682 | Email: info@bivasbros.com | Regulations
Accessibility statement

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